Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de solve

to solveresolver

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I solveyo resuelvo
you solvetú resuelves
he solvesél resuelve
she solvesella resuelve
we solvenosotros resolvemos
you solvevosotros resolvéis
they solveellos resuelven
they solveellas resuelven

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I solvedyo resolví
you solvedtú resolviste
he solvedél resolvió
she solvedella resolvió
we solvednosotros resolvimos
you solvedvosotros resolvisteis
they solvedellos resolvieron
they solvedellas resolvieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have solvedyo he resuelto
you have solvedtú has resuelto
he has solvedél ha resuelto
she has solvedella ha resuelto
we have solvednosotros hemos resuelto
you have solvedvosotros habéis resuelto
they have solvedellos han resuelto
they have solvedellas han resuelto

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had solvedyo había resuelto
you had solvedtú habías resuelto
he had solvedél había resuelto
she had solvedella había resuelto
we had solvednosotros habíamos resuelto
you had solvedvosotros habíais resuelto
they had solvedellos habían resuelto
they had solvedellas habían resuelto

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will solveyo resolveré
you will solvetú resolverás
he will solveél resolverá
she will solveella resolverá
we will solvenosotros resolveremos
you will solvevosotros resolveréis
they will solveellos resolverán
they will solveellas resolverán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have solvedyo habré resuelto
you will have solvedtú habrás resuelto
he will have solvedél habrá resuelto
she will have solvedella habrá resuelto
we will have solvednosotros habremos resuelto
you will have solvedvosotros habréis resuelto
they will have solvedellos habrán resuelto
they will have solvedellas habrán resuelto

I would solveyo resolvería
you would solvetú resolverías
he would solveél resolvería
she would solveella resolvería
we would solvenosotros resolveríamos
you would solvevosotros resolveríais
they would solveellos resolverían
they would solveellas resolverían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have solvedyo habría resuelto
you would have solvedtú habrías resuelto
he would have solvedél habría resuelto
she would have solvedella habría resuelto
we would have solvednosotros habríamos resuelto
you would have solvedvosotros habríais resuelto
they would have solvedellos habrían resuelto
they would have solvedellas habrían resuelto

Participio presenteAnotado
solving resolviendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
solved resuelto

Más verbos

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Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
Sopa de Letras
Invertir P/R